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 The Five Best Spiritual Teachings Of Wayne Dyer That Will Help You Get to be Your identity Intended to Be

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The Five Best Spiritual Teachings Of Wayne Dyer That Will Help You Get to be Your identity Intended to Be Empty
PostSubject: The Five Best Spiritual Teachings Of Wayne Dyer That Will Help You Get to be Your identity Intended to Be   The Five Best Spiritual Teachings Of Wayne Dyer That Will Help You Get to be Your identity Intended to Be Empty2017-03-04, 2:55 pm

Navigating life isn’t always the easiest thing to do. It can be hard to make the best decisions for yourself at all times; for some reason, many of us choose to engage in bad habits and practices even when we know that we should be doing the opposite. Some people do this so often that they manifest their own self-destruction.

I used to be self-destructive, until I realized that happiness, positivity and enthusiasm were all choices that I had to make for myself. One of the biggest mistakes one can make is thinking that the world owes them something or that they don’t have to put into the world what they want to get back.

Here are five lessons in spirituality (inspired by Wayne Dyer) that will help you grow into the best possible version of yourself:

Sometimes two people want to be together, but simply are not meant to be together
Finding a person you want to be in a relationship with can be incredibly difficult because two people, on two different journies, are trying to merge their paths together. The unfortunate part of this is that sometimes the two paths don’t align like we want them to. And that’s okay. It is important for us to be able to recognize when something just isn’t working for one or both people and move on before any real, lasting damage can be done.

Everything that happens in your life can be viewed as an obstacle or an opportunity for growth
The best part is that you get to decide. You can see the tough times in life simply as that, tough times, or you can see them as the universe giving you a challenge to overcome. More often than not, when you overcome these challenges, you come out on the other side a much better person because of it. Your soul will only grow if you face hardship head on and know that you will survive.

Karma is very real. People who act poorly towards you is their karma, and how you respond is your karma
It might not seem like it in the moment, but if you want positive things to happen in your life, you must first put out positivty into the world around you. So, if you feel you are getting the short end of the stick, keep your head up and stay positive with yourself and those around you. Calm yourself when you become angry, choose integrity over reactivity.

Finding inner peace requires accepting how life is instead of how you think it should be
At the foundation of most inner turmoil comes from having an idea of how you want your life to look versus how it actually looks. If you think you deserve more than you have, you can either work to achieve that or wallow in despair. So much unnecessary suffering comes from the fact that people aren’t willing to accept their own reality. Trust that you are where you need to be.

Your words and thoughts manifest who you are and what you want to become
Having confidence in who you are and what you like to do goes a long way, and actually saying things aloud helps solidifiy your identity. If you like to paint, do not tell others you like to paint, but rather call yourself a painter. If you are having a bad day, don’t tell people you are down, tell them it’s been rough, but you’re tough enough to handle it. Whatever you truly believe about yourself will ultimately come true, so believe the best, most positive things possible.

Source : Expanded Consciousness
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The Five Best Spiritual Teachings Of Wayne Dyer That Will Help You Get to be Your identity Intended to Be
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